What is the first thing I should do after being in a car accident?
If anyone involved in the accident has been injured, the very first thing you must do is to call 911. Use any first aid equipment or blankets that may be in your trunk to attend to anyone that may be injured until emergency personal arrives.
Do I speak with the insurance company or a lawyer first?
You should speak with an attorney first. No matter how nice the insurance company representative seems, how reassuring their promises sound, or how attractive a quick settlement looks—the at-fault party’s insurer is looking for a way to minimize its losses at your expense.
Will my car insurance rates increase after a No-Fault accident in California?
If you are involved in a crash in which the other motorist is clearly at fault, recovering compensation for the damages should be straightforward—as long as the liable party has adequate insurance coverage. A settlement should theoretically provide you with enough funds to cover the costs associated with treating your injuries, but you may also incur indirect expenses that do not necessarily fall under bodily injury or property damage. Common indirect expenses following an accident include:
Lost wages;
Loss of household productivity;
Loss of future earning capacity; and
Loss of consortium
Fortunately, if you were not at fault for the collision, an increase in your premium is one indirect cost you should not incur.
Will my car insurance rates increase after an at-Fault Accident in California?
If you were even partially responsible for the accident, you can most likely expect to see an increase in your car insurance premiums in California.
What do I do if I get injured while riding in an Uber or Lyft vehicle?
Being injured in an accident while traveling in an Uber or Lyft could be very scary. The attorneys at The S.O.S. Lawyers law firm are experienced in dealing with these types of cases. Give us a call. We will be pleased to assist you if you or a loved one have been injured in a rideshare accident.
What do I do if…the rideshare driver is at fault in the Uber or Lyft vehicle I am riding in?
If the rideshare driver was at fault, his vehicle insurance will be responsible for the costs associated with your injuries. Getting you paid can often be accomplished without filing a lawsuit, but we are prepared to go to court on your behalf if necessary.
Are Uber and Lyft drivers required to have their own insurance?
Uber and Lyft both require drivers to maintain insurance. However, the ride sharing driver’s insurance may not cover your injuries. Despite Uber and Lyft requirements, some rideshare drivers may carry only the minimum required by law for private drivers. A typical policy contains an exception for business or commercial use of the vehicle. Both Uber and Lyft maintain Insurance of $1 million per incident. Uber’s or Lyft’s insurance should become available if the cost of your injuries exceeds the limits of the driver’s policy.
Can I successfully sue Uber or Lyft?
Uber and Lyft contend that their drivers are independent contractors rather than employees. So long as rideshare drivers are considered independent contractors, Uber and Lyft generally cannot be held responsible for the drivers’ negligence.
What if another insured driver is at fault?
If you’re injured in an accident caused by another driver, you may usually recover from his or her insurance company by making a claim.
What if the insured driver won’t settle?
If the insured driver won’t settle with you for an acceptable amount, filing a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver may be necessary. If so, we are ready and able to file suit on your behalf.
What if the at fault driver is uninsured, underinsured or unknown?
The driver at fault in an accident can’t always be identified. Also, although California law requires every vehicle registered in the state to be covered by minimum amounts of bodily injury/death and property damage insurance, around fifteen out of every one hundred California drivers don’t comply. Although California insurers are required to purchase it. If the driver doesn’t have UCM/UIM insurance, both Uber and Lyft have their own